With over 1,400 student organizations, Ohio State provides a wide range of opportunities for students to get involved. Many Agribusiness and Applied Economics (AAE) majors are members of the Agribusiness Club, which has roots in the department.
Agribusiness Club
The Agribusiness Club is open to all students enrolled at The Ohio State University. The club meets regularly and hosts guest speakers from various agribusinesses who talk to students about their work and offer recruitment advice for upcoming internship and job opportunities at their companies.
Members also take an annual trip within the U.S. each year to tour agribusiness facilities and meet with representatives working in the field. The club’s major fundraising project includes concession stands at the Farm Science Review. The club also hosts an annual banquet and sponsors a scholarship in the department. For more information please email the club directly at osuagribusinessclub@gmail.com.
2024-2025 OFFICER tEAM:
- President: Adam Rischar
- Vice President: Agnes Durliat
- Treasurer: Nick Cline
- Secretary: Grace Kimpton
- Historian: Mary Landis
- Social Chair: Leah Meyer
- Recruitment Chair/CFAES Representative: Rachel O’Reilly