CFAES Give Today

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics



Search results

  1. Panel Discussion: Peace Corps, City Year AND Teach For America

    Come to this panel discussion, co-hosted with Teach for America and City Year, to learn more about what ...

  2. iAGRI Project Awarded Ohio State's Emerging International Engagement Award

    other U.S. land-grant institutions in the effort to build the long term training and research capacity ...

  3. USAID’s Global Food Security Program names two CFAES graduate students Borlaug Fellows

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) exemplified these notions with their recent selection as U.S. Borlaug Fellows ... leadership and scientific expertise among U.S. graduate students to effectively study and promote sustainable ...

  4. DEADLINE: Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship Application

    about the the FLAS Fellowship application process, please visit the information links of the ...

  5. Entomology Graduate Student Selected as a Fellow for AIARD’s Future Leaders Forum

    cooperation between the U.S. and his home country, Ecuador- a nation Diego believes has the potential to ...

  6. OSUE Annual Conference

    Our three-day Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share ...

  7. Ohio State iAGRI Graduate Curbing the Devastating Effects of Rice Blast Disease

    Research Initiative (iAGRI)- a major Feed the Future project funded by the U.S Agency for International ...

  8. Please Welcome Tim McDermott, Our New Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

    Please welcome Tim McDermott to the Franklin County Office of OSU Extension. Tim began serving as a half-time Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Franklin County on October 2, 2017. Tim is replacing Brian Kleinke, who left OSU Exte ...

  9. Ugandan Plant Breeder Recognized as CFAES International Alumni Award Winner for 2016

    Africa have projected our college favorably in that region and beyond,” says. Dr. Erbaugh, who has ...

  10. CFAES Graduate Students Expand Their Horizons in Tanzania

    Program Manager, indicated that the goal of the award was to provide U.S. graduate students an opportunity ...
