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Library Instruction
content and scheduling. See the reports page for the most recent survey results from students about ...
Conservation Tillage Conference in 15th Year
sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, U.S ...
Conference to Tout the Latest Trends in Conservation Tillage
University Extension, Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, U.S. Department of Agriculture ...
Clair Bullock's Honors Defense
knowledgeable about sustainability concepts as the university would like. In response, university decision ...
Organic Mulches May Restore Fertility of Degraded Soils
have a carbon-nitrogen ratio of about 18:1. Hardwood bark has a carbon-nitrogen ratio of 70:1, but ... blending it with composted manure reduces that ratio to about 35:1. By comparison, mulches with high ...
Stewart's Wilt Risk Low for Ohio's Corn
Stewart's disease. "Beetles survive in the soil and emerge when soil temperatures warm to about 65 ... lesions are usually not detected until after tasseling. To learn more about Stewart's wilt, log on to ...
OARDC Scientist Earns International Poultry Group Honor
grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the poultry ...
Continued Dry Weather May Spell Lodging Trouble for Corn
concerned about this year is stalk quality. Some of the corn did get moisture during critical stages of ... maturity in about two to three weeks. "As plants near maturity, the lower portion of corn plants in ... start losing their green color. "As the crop matures, continue to check fields and squeeze about ...
Webinar on Latino Demographic Patterns in the US
There is a seminar on May 4th at 1PM on the demographic patterns on Latinos in the United States. This is a great opportunity as Ohio continues to be a top destination for the Latino population. More information here. ...
Wet Weather and Weed Management
replanting (page 12 of the current Weed Control Guide). Beyond this, our experience based on feedback from ...