CFAES Give Today

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


2019 Speaker Bios

Jennifer Bond- Agricultural Economist, USDA-Economic Research Service

Jennifer Bond- Agricultural Economist USDA- Economic Research Service  

Jennifer Bond is an agricultural economist with the Crops Branch, Markets and Trade Economics Division, and currently coordinates the Wheat and Pulses Outlook programs.  Bond joined ERS in July, 2012 and began working with the Feed Grains and Vegetable and Pulses Outlook teams, later also coordinating the Agency’s Pollinator Health Research Team from 2013 to early 2016. During her career, Bond has worked on topics ranging from commodity market analysis, consumer demand, cooperatives, industrial organization, agricultural finance, and pollinator health.



Ben Brown- Farm Managment Program, The Ohio State University 

Ben Brown- Farm Managment

Ben Brown is the Program Manager for the Farm Management Program within the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. Brown acts as AEDE’s primary liaison between faculty members conducting research on areas related to Farm Management and OSU Extension faculty and field specialists throughout the state. Brown is in the process of developing innovative farm management programs that address critical farm management issues affecting Ohioans and beyond.



Scott Brown- Associate Extension Professor, University of Misouri

Scott Brown

Scott Brown is the director of strategic partnerships for the University of Missouri’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). He has testified before the U.S. Congress on the quantitative effects of changes in federal dairy and livestock policies, and currently works with the Missouri legislature on the economic effects of state policy options on Missouri agriculture. Brown is committed to establishing and building upon partnerships with Missouri commodity groups, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Farm Bureau, the state and federal legislatures, and the University of Missouri and UM System government relations teams.




Kenneth Burdine- Associate Extension Professor, University of Kentucky

Kenneth Burdine

Scott Brown is the director of strategic partnerships for the University of Missouri’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). He has testified before the U.S. Congress on the quantitative effects of changes in federal dairy and livestock policies, and currently works with the Missouri legislature on the economic effects of state policy options on Missouri agriculture. Brown is committed to establishing and building upon partnerships with Missouri commodity groups, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Farm Bureau, the state and federal legislatures, and the University of Missouri and UM System government relations teams.




Todd Davis- Assistant Extension Professor, University of Kentucky

Todd Davis


Todd Davis is an Assistant Extension Professor at the University of Kentucky and focuses on crop economics marketing management. His current projects include: the 2014 Farm Bill Education; Crop Insurance and Risk Management; Pre-Harvest Risk Management Plans / Post-Harvest Risk Management Planning; as well as Grain and Oilseed Situation and Outlook.




Tarrah Hardin- Farm Business Management Specialist, University of Kentucky

Tarrah Hardin


Tarrah Hardin is an Extension Specialist in Farm Business Management with the University of Kentucky. Hardin works with the Lincoln Trail Farm Analysis Group and has expertise in the dairy industry.






Todd Hubbs- Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Illinois

Todd Hubbs


Todd Hubbs is a Clinical Assistant Professor with the University of Illinois. Hubbs performs outlook analysis and research for commodities of importance to Illinois farmers. He develops price forecasting models and risk assessments for agricultural commodities, financial variables, and production issues related to Illinois farming.




Richard KaglicRichard Kaglic is the vice president and senior regional officer of the Cincinnati Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He manages the Bank's relationships with the Cincinnati Branch's board of directors and business advisory councils in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, and Lexington, Kentucky, and serves as the Bank's regional economist in Cincinnati.

Mr. Kaglic joined the Federal Reserve System in 1994 as a senior business economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, where he served for 11 years. Subsequently, he was a senior regional economist at the Charlotte Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

Prior to his service in the Federal Reserve System, Mr. Kaglic was a senior economist at Eaton Corporation and the chief economist at the Washington Employment Security Department.

Mr. Kaglic holds a BA and an MA in economics from Youngstown State University.



Michael Langemeier- Professor, Purdue University

Michael Langemeier


Michael Langemeier is a professor in Purdue University’s Department of Agricultural Economics. Langemeier’s Extension and research interests include cropping systems, benchmarking, strategic management, cost of production, and technical and economic efficiency. Most of his research has focused on the efficiency of farms and ranches, and crop and livestock enterprise production costs and efficiency.



David Marrison- Associate Extension Professor, The Ohio State University

David Marrison


David Marrison is an Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator for Coshocton County with The Ohio State University. He graduated from OSU with a degree in agricultural economics. He spent a seven month internship working in the greenhouse at Epcot Center at Disney World before getting his master’s degree at Purdue University.




Katelyn McCullock- Senior Economist, Livestock Marketing Information Center

Katelyn McCullock

Katelyn McCullock is a Senior Agricultural Economist at the Livestock Marketing Information Center.   McCullock has expertise in the cattle, hog, dairy, hay and grain sectors covering market analysis and outlook.  She has published through a variety of channels market analysis, research, and new articles.  McCullock has been a frequent presenter on the national and regional levels, as well as through rural media outlets.


Melissa McKendree- Assistant Professor, Michigan State University

Melissa McKendreeMelissa McKendree is an Assistant Professor appointed in the MSU tenure system. She is interested in studying issues spanning the supply chain from consumer preferences through producers.  Her dissertation research focused on beef economic issues including how changes in retail and export beef demand impact fed and feeder cattle supply and demands, how fed cattle and corn prices are fully passed through to feeder cattle prices and how feedlot operators make decisions regarding animal health and price risk mitigation practices.




Daniel O'Brien- Associate Professor, Kansas State University

Daniel O'Brien


Daniel O'Brien is an Associate Professor in Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics. The focus of Daniel O’Brien's extension and applied research efforts have been in the areas of grain and bioenergy market analysis - with emphasis on of wheat, feed grain, oilseed, and ethanol supply-demand and prices. He also has been working in the areas of irrigated and dryland cropping systems and natural resource-related issues in western Kansas.



David Ripplinger- Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University

David Ripplinger


David Ripplinger is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics at North Dakota State University and the state’s bioenergy and bioproducts economist.   In this role, David conducts research and provides support to farmers and the bioenergy industry.



Claudia Schmidt- Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University

claudia Schmidt


Claudia Schmidt is an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education at Pennsylvania State University. Her areas of expertise include: Local Food Systems, Agritourism, Craft beverage industry, Value added agriculture, Farm management, and Economics of Animal and Zoonotic Diseases.




Ian Sheldon- Professor, The Ohio State University

Ian Sheldon


Ian Sheldon is a Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultural Marketing, Trade, and Policy at The Ohio State University. Sheldon's primary research interests are in analyzing international trade and policy. His recent projects include examination of the interaction between trade and environmental policies; analysis of the effects of exchange rate volatility on international trade flows; examination of the effects of policy on trade in ethanol; and analysis of China’s exchange rate policies.



Mykel Taylor- Associate Professor, Kansas State University

Mykel Taylor


Mykel Taylor is an Associate Professor in Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics. Her areas of focus include food safety and consumer demand, grain marketing, and agricultural land values. Taylor was an assistant professor and extension specialist for the School of Economic Sciences at Washington State University.




Scott Thibaut- Facility Manager, Consolidated Grain and Barge

Scott Thibaut is the facility manager at Consolidated Grain and Barge Co. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University. His previous professional experience includes being a grain manager and facility manager at Central Soya. Thibaut is also a member of the Ohio Soybean Association board of directors.

Aaron Wilson- Senior Research Associate, Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center

aaron wilson

Aaron Wilson is an Atmospheric Scientist at The Ohio State University (OSU), holding a joint appointment as a Senior Research Associate at the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center (BPCRC) and OSU Extension-the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Wilson also is a contributing member to the State Climate Office of Ohio.