Profile TabsProfileDaniela A. MitevaAssociate Professor of Sustainable Development and Economymiteva.2@osu.edu614-292-5786Office: 325 Ag Admin Building2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH 43210Professional InformationBiography: I am an environmental economist working primarily on conservation and sustainability issues in developing countries. Combining a microeconomic framework with theory and tools from ecology and biogeography, my research focuses on understanding the drivers of landscape change, quantifying the impacts on ecosystems and human welfare, and evaluating policies like protected areas and Forest Sustainability Council (FSC) certification. I hold a PhD from Duke University (NC) and a dual BA in Biology and Economics from Bryn Mawr College (PA). Read more about Miteva's background and research. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData