The Center for Farmland Policy Innovation, 2006-2012, was housed in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, and was associated with the OSU Extension Services. The mission was to enable communities to achieve farmland protection policy priorities by partnering on innovative projects and providing needed programming. We work to spread local seeds of invention. Further, the center worked at the state and federal levels to further viable local agricultural environments.
Under the leadership of Jill Clark, now at the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, advisory board chair, Mark Partridge, AEDE professor, and a 14 person advisory board, the Center funded ten community policy experiments and nine food-related economic development projects. These cover a range of activities, such as fostering local food policy councils, planning for a regional food hub, establishing community agricultural economic development priorities, pioneering new farm to school strategies, developing model zoning ordinances, conducting healthy corner stores interventions, constructing a manure bartering market, and opening new markets for culturally-appropriate crops. The center has published 25 policy and project briefs, maintained a communications network on related issues, planned six Ohio Farmland Preservation Summits and a recent food policy council statewide meeting, and given dozens of talks and lectures
All Policy/Project Briefs and White Papers are in adobe acrobat format.
- 2011-4 "Scaling-up Connections between Regional Ohio Specialty Crop Producers and Local Markets: Distribution as the Missing Link"
- 2011-3 "Healthy Corner Stores: A Best Practices Brief"
- 2011-2 "The Athens Food Policy Council: From Concept to Case Study"
- 2011-1 "Conducting a County Agricultural Policy Audit"
- 2010-8 "Manure Agreements, Nutrient Utilization and the Rural Economy Baughman Township, Wayne County, Ohio"
- 2010-7 "2010 Ohio Farmland Preservation Policy Priorities"
- 2010-6 "Scorecard on the Founding Recommendations of the Ohio Farmland Preservation Task Force Center for Farmland Policy Innovation"
- 2010-5 "Food Access Gaps in Rural Ohio"
- 2010-4 "Finding Opportunity across Political Boundaries: Balanced Growth Watershed Plans and Cross-Jurisdictional Agreements"
- 2010-3 "Ohio’s Agricultural Easement Purchase Program: From pilot to permanent presence. A survey of AEPP participants"
- 2010-2 "Partnering to Preserve Farmland in Hiram Township with Transfer of Development Rights"
- 2010-1 "An Innovative Process for Addressing Farming and Farmland Viability: Clark County, Ohio"
- SRI Report 09-05 "The Persistence of Agriculture at the Rural-Urban Interface: Does the Cost of Health Insurance Make a Difference?"
- SRI Report 09-04 "Evaluating Knox County’s Food System: Opportunities to Grow"
- SRI Report 09-03 "Succession and Enterprise Adaptation at the Rural Urban Interface"
- 2009-3 "Exurban Farming in the Current Market: Past Effects, Future Possibilities” Prepared for the Baldwin Center Inaugural Symposium, October 16, 2009
- 2009-2 "Local Foods: Estimating Ohio consumption Ohio Food Policy Council — Food Assessment Task Force"
- 2009-1 "Local Foods: Estimating capacity for Ohio Food Policy Council — Food Assessment Task Force"
- SRI Report 2008 "Ohio's Dairy Industry: The Geography and Impact of a Key Sector"
- 2007-4 "A Model for Understanding the Opportunities for Innovation"
- 2007-3 "UPDATED Farmland Protection Successes: Stories from Across Ohio"
- 2007-2 "Zoning in Support of Agriculture"
- 2007-1 "Agri-Business Retention and Expansion"
- 2006-1 "Farmland Protection Funding Options"