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Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


News from AEDE: June 2016

Welcome to the newsletter for Ohio State's Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE)! Your story submissions are welcome. Please email them to Nicole Pierron Rasul at

  1. This continues to be an exciting time for AEDE. The past few newsletters I have focused on the changing faces of AEDE around the Agricultural Administration building. New students, new faculty, new staff. This month I want to focus on the changing face of the Agricultural Administration building

  2. With the completion of the 2015-2016 academic year, AEDE faculty member Eugene Jones retired from Ohio State. Jones had been a faculty member in the department since 1984. He will be greatly missed by all of AEDE, especially the undergraduate student body, who recently awarded him with the 2015-

  3. AEDE’s Professor Alessandra Faggian has been chosen to receive a grant from the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD) based on a proposal she developed with advisee Kathryn Dotzel to study knowledge management strategies of rural firms working in the U.S. and to examine how

  4. Daniel Crown, an AEDE doctoral student who just finished his second year of the program, is spending the summer as an intern at USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) in Washington D.C. Through his own narrative, Daniel gives us an account of what it's like to spend the summer applying the

  5. The Ohio State University Graduate Teaching Fellows Program (part of the Ohio State Teaching Enhancement Program, or OSTEP) provides support to senior graduate students from across the university to develop new, discipline-specific teaching support activities for Graduate Teaching Associates (

  6. The winners of this year's Environmental Policy Initiative summer doctoral research grant competition include: Debangana Bose from the Department of Geography, Emily Hutchins who is pursuing a degree in environmental social science in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, and Jonathan

  7. Participants are needed for a study on consumer eating habits and food handling behavior. Participants will earn a free onsite lunch as compensation for their time and they will be reimbursed for any parking fees or COTA bus tickets needed to get to the Ohio State campus. Sessions are being

  8. Elmer Baumer, a former professor in the department, passed away on May 25, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio. Baumer spent more than 30 years with Ohio State as a professor, associate dean and finally associate provost in university administration. He was active in not only the university but in his