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Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


News from AEDE: August 2016

Welcome to the newsletter for Ohio State's Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE)! Your story submissions are welcome for future editions of our newsletter. Please email them to Nicole Pierron Rasul at

The August edition of our newsletter profiles several of the new faces at AEDE for the 2016-2017 academic year, including our four new outstanding faculty hires, instructional faculty and staff. We hope you enjoy reading these profiles.

  1. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited for saying, “Change is the only constant in life.” Continuing the theme of changes in AEDE from our past newsletters, I am excited that this month we are focusing our newsletter on the introduction of our new faculty and staff in AEDE. Also, on a

  2. Yongyang Cai, a computational and environmental economist, has graduate degrees in financial mathematics and computational and mathematical engineering from Stanford University. He has already made a name for himself as a well-respected researcher through his extensive exploration of

  3. Leah Bevis focuses on the linkages between biophysical systems and human systems in her research, most of which has been conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa. She was hired under Ohio State’s Discovery Themes initiative, and in particular, as a researcher in the Initiative for Food and AgriCultural

  4. In her research, Daniela Miteva models human behavior in the form of companies or households to understand why common policies like protected areas or timber certification may or may not work. As Miteva explains, a lot of policies, especially in developing countries, have implications for not

  5. Zoë Plakias, who joins AEDE as a recent graduate of the Agricultural and Resource Economics doctoral program at the University of California, Davis, studies domestic agricultural economics and agricultural policy. Thus far, her research has focused on agricultural producer organizations,

  6. Anna Parkman will teach numerous core requirements in the department’s Agribusiness and Applied Economics undergraduate program, including “Principles of Agribusiness Management” and “Strategic Management” this fall, while also helping to direct the department’s required internship program. In

  7. With the start of the 2016-2017 academic year, the department welcomes several new staff members and a restructured model of administration for servicing the needs of the faculty and students in the department's academic programs. The department's staff are the engine that keeps AEDE running.