CFAES Give Today

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


Undergraduate Program to Offer Advising Sessions for Agribusiness and Applied Economics Majors

Oct. 29, 2014

In preparation for Spring Semester 2015 class registration, the AEDE undergraduate program will offer walk-in advising sessions for students enrolled in the Agribusiness and Applied Economics major.

The dates, times and locations for these sessions are:

October 29, 2014 - 3:30pm-5pm - 249 Ag Admin
November 3, 2014 - 4pm-5:30pm - 105 Ag Admin
November 5, 2014 - 3:30pm-5pm - 249 Ag Admin
November 14, 2014 - 10:30am-12pm - 249 Ag Admin

Students enrolled in the major are strongly encouraged to attend one of these sessions. Faculty and staff from AEDE will be present to meet one-on-one with students. Students can work with program representatives to answer questions about the course curriculum, plan their autumn course schedule, as well as discuss internship and career or graduate school opportunities.

To speak to an undergraduate representative about AEDE’s undergraduate majors and minors, please contact us.