CFAES Give Today

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


Feng-An Yang Awarded Bernie Erven Teaching Award

May. 15, 2018

Dr. Allen Klaiber and the graduate program committee would like to ask you to share in their congratulations of the 2017-2018 winner of the Bernie Erven Teaching Award, Feng-An Yang.  This award is presented annually to the graduate student who best exemplifies the tradition of teaching excellence that Bernie Erven achieved throughout his distinguished career as a professor in Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics. 

Feng-An was jointly nominated by Dr. Ani Katchova and Dr. Abdoul Sam for his exceptional performance and dedication supporting AEDECON 7130 (2015-2016), 7140 (2015) and 6110 (2017) through administering labs and providing help to students as they navigated difficult academic content. Student feedback in SEIs consistently mentioned that lab materials were helpful in understanding course topics as well as the superb level of support offered by Feng-An. Feng-An’s nominators wrote “Overall, he did outstanding work with his teaching assignments for our courses and we are very grateful to have had him as a TA. His repeated assignments to be a TA of the core graduate classes in applied econometrics and quantitative methods is in and of itself a testament to the high quality of instruction and instructional assistance he brings to bear as a TA.

"We express our thanks to Feng-An for his efforts in support of our students and the Department!"

Feng An recently met with Professor Emeritus Bernie Erven to chat about his future plans and his varied experiences in AEDE.