On a visit to Mexico this summer, AEDE’s Andersons Professor of International Trade, Dr. Ian Sheldon, got the opportunity to catch up with a former student of his, Dr. Mauricio Ramírez, who is now a professor in the Department of Quantitative Methods at Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas (CUCEA) in Mexico. Dr. Ramírez received his doctoral degree from Ohio State in 2006.
While in Mexico, Dr. Sheldon was able to watch his former advisee receive an award from the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara for his publications: “Patterns of Consumption in Mexico, 2002-2012,” co-authored with Semei Coronado Ramirez and Francisco Venegas Martinez and published in the American International Journal of Contemporary Research in 2013, as well as his work with Favio Murillo on a book chapter for the forthcoming publication La Evaluación de las Políticas Educativas mediante Experimentos Sociales: Un Análisis del Efecto de la Homofilia sobre la Deserción Escolar, which will be published by Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
While at AEDE Dr. Ramírez was a stand-out student, excelling in the area of geography and international trade. His paper “Taste Heterogeneity, Amenities and Trade Openness” was a finalist in the 2006 Graduate Student Competition of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC). Dr. Ramírez began his present position at the Universidad de Guadalajara in 2008, and is currently the editor of the Mexican economics journal EconoQuantum.
Dr. Sheldon travelled to Mexico to teach a workshop, Curso de Actualización en la Disciplina (CADi), at the Tecnólogico de Monterrey in Guadalajara. Attendees included professors of accounting, finance and economics in the Tecnólogico de Monterrey system. The workshop covered topics related to monetary policy, regulation of shadow banking, the Euro crisis, and China’s economy. This is the fourth time that Dr. Sheldon has travelled to Mexico to teach during the summer session.
July 12, 2013