Ani Katchova completed her three-year term on the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s (AAEA) Executive Board. Dr. Katchova is an Associate Professor and Farm Income Enhancement Chair at the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. AAEA is a leading organization for applied and agricultural economists to present their work and network with colleagues.
During her appointment on the AAEA Board, Dr. Katchova served as a chair of the Publication Committee, a Board Liaison to the Membership Committee, a member of the Government Relations Committee, and a Board Liaison to the Agricultural Finance and Management Section and the Food and Agricultural Marketing Policy Section of AAEA. Several important initiatives were advanced at AAEA during the last three years, namely establishing the Applied Economics Teaching Resources, planning for a publisher of the association’s journals, expanding mentoring opportunities for AAEA members, and working with C-FARE on enhancing the AAEA role in federal policy making.
“AAEA is in a strong position to continue to provide valuable opportunities to its members with its culture of engagement, mentoring, and communicating out,” Katchova said. “I’m glad to have had the opportunity to serve on the AAEA Board and contribute to its strategic vision over the last three years.”
Learn more about the AAEA.