Members of the AEDE faculty and doctoral program are presenting at the American Economic Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA this weekend. Here is a list:
Associate Professor Joyce Chen presented "Climate Variability and Migration as Adaptation"
PhD Candidate Ariadna Martinez Gonzalez presented "The Mexican PROCAMPO Farmland Subsidy and Its Effectiveness as a Rural Anti-Poor Program"
Professor Ani Katchova participated in an AAEA Executive Board meeting
Associate Professor H. Allen Klaiber presented "The Impact of Science Parks on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Productivity Distributions"
Professor Mark Partridge organized the AAEA/ASSA Invited Session: "The Geography of American Despair and Declining Economic Opportunity"and presented "Road to Despair and the Geography of the America Left Behind"
Assistant Professor Zoe Plakius presented "The Mexican PROCAMPO Farmland Subsidy and Its Effectiveness as a Rural Anti-Poor Program"
Professor Ian Sheldon organized the AAEA session "Trade in an Environment of Increaseing Economic Nationalism" and presented "Trade Liberalization and Institutional Constraints on Moves to Protectionism: Multilateralism Versus Regionalism" (see presentation and paper), and "The Impact of Science Parks on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Productivity Distributions" (see presentation and paper)
PhD Candidate Yu Zhang presented "Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of Ambiguity of House Prices"