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Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


AEDE Participation in 5th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on RPHE Economics

April 17, 2012
AEDE had a strong presence at the 5th Annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on Regional, Population, Health, & Environmental (RPHE) Economics, held April 13th and 14th at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Wendong Zhang, AEDE PhD student, won the 2012 RPHE Student Paper Competition for his paper with Doug Wrenn and Elena Irwin, “Tests of the Urban Economic Model Using a New Measure of Leapfrog Development.” This competition is a new feature for the summit and this award is the very first since the inaugural summit in 2008. Wendong presented this paper and another paper with Cindy Nickerson and Elena Irwin, “The Housing Boom-Bust and Farmland Values: Identifying the Changing Influence of Proximity to Agricultural Delivery Points.”
Xiaohui Tian, AEDE PhD student, presented her paper with Brent Sohngen, “Set asides from timber production: implications of plantations for land use and conservation.” 
Matthew Winden, AEDE PhD student, presented his paper with Brent Sohngen, “Farmer’s Willingness to Participate in Nutrient Trading Programs in the Upper Scioto Watershed.”
Shuying Shen, AEDE PhD student, presented her paper, “Length of Credit Card Indebtedness and Psychological Pressure: Evidence from U.S. Household Data.”
Yue Hua, AEDE PhD student, presented his paper, “The impact of internal migration on rural income distribution: the case of contemporary China.”
Norman Maldonado, AEDE PhD student, presented his paper, “Optimal Subsidies for Public Hospitals in Columbia.”
Yu Zhang, AEDE master student, presented his paper, “Where do Chinese housing prices go under gradually fade-away population bonus?”
Wendong Zhang and Shuying Shen also served as session chair for regional economics and spatial economics, respectively.