Research by AEDE faculty and graduate students was recently presented at the 29th annual International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), held from August 8-14, 2015 in Milan, Italy.
The conference, which focused on the theme of “Agriculture in an Interconnected World,” is organized annually by the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE). IAAE is comprised of a global membership and aims to foster the application of agricultural economics to improve rural economic and social conditions, advance knowledge of agriculture's economic organization, and facilitate communication and information exchange among those concerned with rural welfare, according to the organization's website. IAAE oversees the journal Agricultural Economics.
The work presented at the conference included the following contributions from the department:
- "Regulation of Food Quality: Deep Capture and Economies of Scope between Innovation and Influence" by AEDE’s Ian Sheldon, Brian Roe, and Jafar Olimov was presented at the conference’s symposia on the “Economics of food quality: Geographical indicators, trade and regulation.”
- “Sustainability of Regional Food Reserves When Default Is Possible” by AEDE’s Randall S. Romero-Aguilar and Mario J. Miranda with Joseph W. Glauber from the International Food Policy Research Institute was presented at the conference’s symposia on “The role of regional storage and trade cooperation to reduce food price volatility and increase food security.”
- Ian Sheldon served as a discussant for the paper “Contract (in)completeness, product quality and trade – evidence from the food industry” by Daniele Curzi from the University of Milano, Jan Fałkowski from the University of Warsaw, and Alessandro Olper from the University of Milano at the conference’s symposia on “Innovation, product quality and performance in agro-food supply chains."
- “Impact of Off-farm Income on Agricultural Technology Adoption Intensity and Productivity: Evidence from Rural Maize Farmers in Uganda” by Gracious Malton Diiro from ICIPE Kenya and Makerere University Kampala with AEDE’s David Kraybill and Abdoul G Sam was presented at a session on technology adoption.
- “Capitalization of the SPS into Farmland Rental Rates under the 2013 CAP Reform” by AEDE’s Stanley Robert Thompson, Klaus Salhofer from the Technical University of Munich, and AEDE’s Allen Klaiber was presented at a policy analysis session.
- “Farmland Assets and Growth Trends for Young and Beginning Farmers in the U.S.” by AEDE’s Ani Katchova with Mary Ahearn from the USDA was presented at a land session.
Learn more about the ICEA gathering at