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Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


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News article: Wooster Ag Outlook and Policy Meeting, March 8, 2024

An Ag Outlook and Policy meeting is scheduled for March 8 at the Buckeye Agricultural Museum, 877 W. Old Lincoln Way, Wooster.

Speakers and topics, in the order they will be presented at the meeting, are:

Media mention: Where Could the US-Mexico GM Corn Dispute End Up?

Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy Dr. Ian Sheldon, Assistant Professor Dr. Seungki Lee, and Associate Professor and Extension Educator Christopher Zoller Co-authored an article called, Where Could the US-Mexico GM Corn Dispute End Up? Where the three the dispute the ongoing efforts of Mexican bans on imports of genetically modified corn.

Media mention: Where Could the U.S. – Mexico GM Corn Dispute End Up?

Professor Ian Sheldon along with Assistant Professor Seungki Lee and Associate Professor Chris Zoller discuss where the U.S and Mexico could end up on the efforts for by Mexico to ban imports of genetically modified corn. Read their article below.

News article: The 34th Annual Faculty and Staff Recognition Reception, February 20, 2023

By: Miles Baker

This past Monday, OSU's Sphinx Senior Class Honorary and Mortar Board Senior Honor Society held their 34th Annual Faculty and Staff Recognition Reception. The reception is held every year to honor and recognize staff and faculty who have significantly impacted students college careers. Senior economics major William Gilbert selected to honor AEDE's Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy Dr. Ian Sheldon. 

Media mention: Ohio Farm Bureau Podcast Ep. 002 Inflation and Energy Watch Outs for Ag

The cost of everything is higher, but what is actually causing that? Ohio Farm Bureau's Ty Higgins talks inflation, supply chain, pandemics and Ukraine with Ohio State's Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy, Dr. Ian Sheldon. He also gets a long-term look at energy and the role carbon markets will play on the ag economy and in the competition for land from Ohio State professor, Brent Sohngen.

News article: 2022 Outlook and Policy Conference a success

AEDE's first in-person Outlook and Policy Conference since 2019 was a huge success! The conference was held on November 15, 2022, at the 4H Center on Ohio State Campus. Below are links to the presentations by the AEDE faculty. 

Brent Sohngen - Energy Market Outlook

Ani Katchova - Farm Income Outlook

News article: 2022 Outlook and Policy Conference Presentations

The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE), holds its first in-person Outlook and Policy Conference since 2019 on November 15, 2022, at the 4H Center on Ohio State Campus. Here are summaries of what each speaker will be presenting. 

News article: Ian Sheldon at Ohio Wesleyan's Outlook Conference

Ian Sheldon to present at Ohio Weselyan's annual economic outlook conference next month. See more details below.


Media mention: Trade war only in "cease fire"

Ian Sheldon was interviewed at the Farm Science Review by Will Robinson of Brownfield Ag News:

News article: Agricultural Outlook from the Farm Science Review

At this year's Farm Science Review, a panel of AEDE economists (Ani Katchova, Seungki Lee, and Ian Sheldon) chaired by OSUE's Chris Zoller answered questions about global uncertainty and its impact on agriculture. Their outlook for farm income, production, and global markets is summarized on the Ohio Ag Manager website.

A link to the full article can be found here:





News article: Ukraine: The breadbasket of Europe

By Ian Sheldon, professor and Andersons chair of agricultural marketing, trade and policy. 

Media mention: Global conflict, pandemic impacts, cause jump in food costs

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has affected global markets for energy, fertilizer, food and more this year. But even before it began, the U.S. food system was dealing with increased costs and supply chain challenges from the pandemic and other factors.

News article: Export policies and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: What might it mean for Ohio soybean farmers?

With Russia and Ukraine alone accounting for 12 percent of total calories traded (IFPRI, April 13, 2022), continuation of the war has intensified the vulnerability of developing countries to food insecurity, the G7 countries recently predicting 43 million people were being pushed towards famine (The Guardian, May 14, 2022).  The impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on exports from the Black Sea region of staple foods such as wheat, corn, and vegetable oils, has had a significant impact on world food prices, adding to the impact of supply chain disruption due to the pandemic, and

News article: How will the invasion of Ukraine affect U.S. agriculture?

The shock to global commodity markets following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is expected to be the largest in the post-war period, and certainly since the oil crisis of the 1970s.  Over the past 30 year, the two countries have become major agricultural exporters, accounting for a quarter of global grains trade in the 2021-22 season (International Grains Council, March 9, 2022).  Across key commodities, they account for a 34, 18, 27 and 75 percent share of volume traded of world wheat, corn, barley, and sunflower oil respectively (International Food Policy Research Institute, February 24, 20

Multimedia: U.S. Trade Policy and Prospects for Agricultural Trade (Webinar)

In session three of the Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference, AEDE Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy, Dr. Ian Sheldon, gives an update on U.S. trade policy and prospects for agricultural trade.

Media mention: U.S. farmers could help feed world after invasion impacts 'European breadbasket'

Margins for wheat and corn farmers in the U.S. could go up as Europe and Asia’s main suppliers are impacted by war.

Media mention: Russian invasion of Ukraine will impact American agriculture

Shortly after the crisis escalated, prices for corn, soybeans and wheat were trading limit-higher overnight. Just as grain prices quickly climbed, so did other agricultural products.

Media mention: AgriTalk Radio Interview

AgriTalk's Chip Flory interviews AEDE faculty on issues related to agricultural trade, commodity markets and labor.

Media mention: Ohio State University final stop on U.S. Farm Report school tour

The university was the final stop on the show’s eight-part college roadshow, featuring students and faculty across the country who are making major advancements and contributions to the agricultural industry.

News article: Saving the best for last: U.S. Farm Report's College Roadshow ends season at The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University was the final stop on U.S. Farm Report’s 2021 College Roadshow, and faculty in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) shared their analysis on important economic issues impacting Ohioans.
