Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Development in Ohio
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Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Development in Ohio
May 8th, 2019 8:30am to 1:00pm
Schedule: Registration begins at 8:00am
8:30am-8:40am Welcome: Tim Haab, Chair, Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
8:40am-9:20am Bill LaFayette, PhD, Owner, Regionomics, "Ohio's Economies: An Update"
9:20am-10:am -Edward (Ned) Hill, Professor of Economic Development, The Ohio State University's John Glenn College of Public Affairs and City & Regional Planning, Faculty, Ohio Manufacturing Institute
"Asset-based Development Strategies for the "Other Ohio": There Are No Shortcuts and No Silver Bullets"
10:00am-10:30am Break
10:30am-11:00am Zoë Plakias, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
"Food and Agriculture as Ingredients of Economic Development"
11:00am-11:45am Mayors Panel: "Economic Development Efforts Across Ohio"
-Nan Whaley, MPA (Mayor of Dayton, OH)
-Tom Johnson, MBA (Mayor of Somerset, OH), Executive in Residence, Ohio University
11:45am-12:15pm Lunch
12:15pm-1:00pm Keynote: Mark Partridge, Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy, Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics and President, Regional Science Association International
"Does an Urbanizing World Still Need Rural America?"