CFAES Give Today

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics


Agricultural Lender Seminar

2018 Agricultural Lender Seminar
You are invited to attend our annual program designed to share current information with lenders and enhance the working relationship between OSU Extension and Ag Lenders. We will provide a comprehensive packet of educational materials to each registrant.  
Registration begins at 8:45am, Program runs from 9:15am - 3:15pm

Outlook for the U.S. Economy, presented via ZOOM by Courtney Cowley, Economist, Omaha Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Farm Policy & Commodity Outlook Economics, Ben BrownOSU Farm Management Program
Ohio Farm Economy & Production Economics, Barry Ward, OSU Extension, CFAES Production Business Management
Dairy Production Economics, Diane Shoemaker, OSU Extension, CFAES Field Specialist
USDA Farm Service Agency Update, David Drake, USDA Farm Service Agency
Hops, Barley & Ohio's Specialty Crops, Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension, CFAES Extension Educator & Horticulture Specialist

Putnam Co. Educational Service Center Assembly Hall
124 Putnam Parkway, Ottawa, OH 45875

For more information, contact Bruce Clevenger, OSU Extension, Defiance County, Ohio 419-782-4771