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Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics



Course Number Titlesort ascending Unit(s) Semesters Offered
AEDECON 4330 Sustainable Economy: Concepts and Methods 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4106 Strategic Management 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3121 Salesmanship in Agribusiness and Agriculture 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3680 Regional Economics and Sustainable Growth 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3000 Quantitative Methods in Agribusiness and Applied Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4340 Project Management for Sustainability and Applied Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3102 Principles of Agribusiness Marketing 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3101 Principles of Agribusiness Management 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3103 Principles of Agribusiness Finance 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3105 Principles of Agribusiness and Food Supply Chains 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4001 Managerial Economics for Agribusiness 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 2501 Introduction to Sustainability 4.0 AU24
AEDECON 3191 Internship in Agribusiness and Applied Economics 2.0 AU24
AEDECON 3160 Human Resource Management in Small Businesses 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4532 Food Security and Globalization 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3104 Farm Business Management 3.0 SP25
AEDECON 4310 Environmental and Resource Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4320 Energy, the Environment, and the Economy 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3300 Emerging Issues in Agribusiness and Applied Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4003 Economics of Public Policy Analysis 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 2400 Diversity in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 2005 Data Analysis for Agribusiness and Applied Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3114 Commodity Futures and Options Markets 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4567 Assessing Sustainability: Project Experience 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 4002 Analytics for Agribusiness and Applied Economics 3.0 AU24
AEDECON 3170 Agribusiness Law 3.0 AU24