#AskAg Twitter Chat on Agricultural Higher Education Featuring David Kraybill
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AEDE’s Professor David Kraybill, Project Manager of the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) – a USAID Feed the Future project in Tanzania, will participate in a Twitter chat hosted by USAID’s Agrilinks on February 14th from 12:00-1:00pm ET.
The conversation will focus on agricultural higher education. You can join the conversation on Twitter by using the hashtag #AskAg and following @Agrilinks. You can also follow the conversation on a livestream available on the Agrilinks website.
The #AskAg Twitter chat organized by Agrilinks will bring together Kurt Richter (@KurtRichter2) of the Office of International Research, Education and Development at Virginia Tech and David Kraybill (@kraybillds) of The Ohio State University as they discuss the importance of tertiary agriculture education (TAE) in the developing world, traditional and novel ways TAE is executed around the globe, and how TAE can help us meet the challenges of 2050 by feeding the expected 9 billion people the planet will inhabit.